Let’s talk about positivity

Wanted to say something about positivity. It's been about 6 weeks since my last day at Nike and honestly it's just been a jumble of mixed feelings and raw emotions. I try to avoid being reactionary to anything, because I fully understand my capacity to be reactionary. I have to set up certain patterns and behaviors to keep myself from feeling like the world is overly focused on kicking me in the face. So I figured I'd offer some tricks that have helped me keep my head in the right place.

First, Catharsis!! Catharsis is the cure for a break up with no closure. Sometimes losing a job makes sense. But, more often than not it's one of those "it's not you, it's me," sort of breakups where you get no closure and you just have to deal with all the emotions on your own. Those emotions are important to live with and work through, but they can also feel kind of intoxicating. They're raw and visceral and feel unlike most emotions we feel on a daily basis. It's a trap though, and the longer you stay with those feelings, the harder it is to move past them. So find someplace to put that negative energy. Work out, go for a swim, make art, pick up a new craft...And a bonus if you can find something to do, adjacent to your ultimate goal.

Second, Embrace the Yin and the Yang!! I think the most important symbolic aspect of the Yin and Yang is motion. It's almost balance achieved through motion. When things become idle or static is when negativity can become dangerous. It sets in and can become part of the character. The cyclical motion offers multiple opportunities for us to shift the energy, and use the bad for good.

Third, Subdivide and Manage!! You can look at running a marathon as a whole, which seems really daunting. Or you can subdivide it into four sections. Maybe that's then broken up into 5-10 minute intervals, and so on. By doing this you can strategize the marathon in a way where you know when to push, and when to reserve energy. More often than not a race is won, by some small change to behavior in a seemingly insignificant moment.

Lastly, Thank the Universe for the Kick in the Face!! I have personally never learned anything from victory. There was no lesson I found in winning. It was only through loss or failure that I ever learned anything. Because that's when I was forced to change, adapt and grow. So while it feels uncomfortable and there's a lot of uncertainty on the future, I also know that growth and change is happening, and I'm into that sort of thing.

I'm #openforwork #readyforwork #hireme (and all the other hashtags) but to use up some of this energy creatively, I'm going to keep writing, documenting this time and sharing some stupid ideas on the connectivity of art, music, film, video games, anime and Liverpool. Hopefully it finds someone who needs it. And if anyone wants to change the face of physical, sensorial experiences forever...I might know a guy!!

#creativity #design #art #immersiveexperience #retaildesign #positivity